- A Chinese Pipe
- Latrine in Canton
- Urinal
- Outside toilet
- Chinese latrine buckets airing
- Young Chinese Boy
- When Ah Tcha had eaten his Evening Rice, he took lantern and entered the largest of his mills
- We are the Shen, demons of the sea
- Tiao Fu snatched up her little-used embroidery scissors. Snip, Snip, Snip
- Three Old Men
- Three children and the old man
- This nice large one is for your dinner
- This nice large one is for your dinner a
- Therefore—upon his donkey—the contrary husband started for Tsun Pu
- Then he seized the plaques and flung them from him
- The royal generals . . . knelt before Hai Low and bumped their heads in the dust
- The king crawled under his throne
- The king and his generals gazed across the river
- The house of Weng Fu was luxurious in the extreme
- The first portrait he painted was that of Ying Ning, a monstrous ugly maiden
- So the seventh demon sped away taking the sea with him
- So Chai Mi sat beside the river and sewed and wept
- Rough Sea Divider
- Rooster divider
- Reading a scroll
- Prince Chin Pa tried in vain to hold his followers
- Painting a rock
- Of course, they wore hideous false faces
- Old Chinese Man Divider
- More and more sad came the music
- Meng Hu could imagine a knife at his throat
- Man working at the table
- It was the howl of a wolf
- Kneeling before a tree
- It was a well-plucked traveler who returned
- 'I—I—I—am hungry,' stammered Han Hsin
- How could she make beds when her hair needed burnishing
- House under a tree
- He made a V of the bowstring
- He was a weighty elephant—amid the cabbages
- He kept his forehead tight-pressed to the floor
- Han Hsin raised a bridge from island to mainland
- Flowers in the rain
- Drinking Tea
- Floral Divider
- Dragon
- Dragon Divider
- Doctor Chu Ping beamed upon him
- Chinese man rowing divider
- Divider
- By look and action he was a maiden
- 'Broooomp'
- At that same hour a basket was found in the garden
- A whanging of wings that lifted . . . Up . . . Higher . . . Swifter
- A necklace
- . . . And cut leaf-shaped pieces
- A helping hand
- Young Chinese Divider
- In a Chinese store
- Man and woman in Chinese costume