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Machine Guns
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Medieval Siege Weapons
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57 photos

- Catapult for shooting arrows
- Firing Position
- Medium flame-thrower
- Small-size one-man flame-thrower
- 15-mm aircraft cannon
- 20-mm aircraft cannon
- 75-mm recoilless gun
- 3.7-cm Pak
- 5-cm Pak 38
- Walther pistol
- Stick grenade antipersonnel mine
- Sketch showing method of inserting loaded belt in feedway of M.G. 34
- Stick bomb for use with 3.7 cm Pak
- Sketch of Stick hand grenade
- Sketch of Eierhandgranate 39 (egg-type hand grenade, model 39)
- Sighting mechanism of 7.5-cm infantry howitzer, showing range-scale drum
- Right side of 5-cm mortar
- Right view of 8-cm mortar, model 34
- Removal of barrel of M.G. 34
- MG 34 on tripod mount
- Method of carrying and packing stick-type grenades
- Method of removing receiver of M.P. 40 from barrel and from magazine hosing
- M.G. 42
- M.G. 42, showing method of operating barrel extension
- Left view of 8-cm mortar, model 34
- Left side of 5-cm mortar
- Cross-section of shaving-stick grenade
- German method of firing M;G. 34 from bipod mount
- Cross section of magazine, trigger, and bolt mechanism of Mauser Kar. 98K rifle
- Cross Section of Luger pistol
- Concentrated charge made from stick grenades
- Close-up of 75-round saddle-type drum
- Close-up of Luger pistol to show operation of extractor
- Breech of 7.5-cm infantry howitzer
- Breech of 5-cm Pak
- Barrel and breech of 5-cm Pak
- 30.12.2021 20.39.19 REC
- 8 cm Mortar Shell
- Map of Tank Operations, August–November, 1918
- General Arrangements of Mark V. Tank—Front View
- General Arrangement of Mark V. Tank—Sectional Plan
- General Arrangement of Mark V. Tank—Sectional Elevation
- 'Britain's Sure Shield'
- Anelaces
- Siamese War Elephant
- Hand Grenade No. 5
- Hand Grenade No. 1
- Hand Grenade No. 7. and Ball Hand Grenade
- Gatling Gun on Field Carriage
- Nordenfelt-Palmcrantz Gun mounted on Ship's Bulwark
- Rifle-calibre Maxim Gun
- The Duke of Wellington
- Robins’ Balistic Pendulum
- Powder Mill
- Old Eprouvette Pendulum
- Hand or Arrow Rocket