Home / Albums / People / Physiology 110
- Muscles in the leg
- Ascending spica bandage of groin
- Ascending spica of shoulder
- Bandage of the knee
- Diagrammatic view of the fetal circulation
- Dorsal recumbent posture
- Double spica of groin
- A, Recurrent bandage of the head - B, anterior figure-of-eight bandage of the chest
- Abdominal regions
- Position of the thoracic and abdominal organs, rear view
- Spica bandage of ankle
- Spica bandage of thumb
- The principal arteries and veins of the body
- The skeleton
- Eruption of the deciduous teeth
- Figure-of-eight bandage of forearm
- Finger bandage
- General scheme of the digestive tract
- Position of the thoracic and abdominal organs, front view
- Diagram showing the action of the straight front corset
- Muscles of the anterior surface of the trunk
- The abdominal corset
- The skeleton
- Muscles of the anterior surface of the trunk 2
- Muscles of the posterior surface of the trunk
- The natural and artificial positions of the foot
- The spinal column
- Upper surface, bones of foot
- General scheme of the digestive tract
- Muscles of the right side of the head and neck
- Sitz-bath tub made of tin
- Vertical section of skin
- Front view of heart and lungs, showing relations to other thoracic organs
- Location of the viscera of the body
- The bony thorax, anterior view
- The ribs removed, showing relation of thoracic to abdominal viscera
- Effects of tight lacing on bony thorax
- Normal chest
- Relation of heart and great vessels to the wall of the thorax
- Relation of kidneys to heart and great blood-vessels
- The diaphragm
- Diagram showing the action of the curved front corset
- Skeleton of head and trunk
- Diagram of Valves in the Heart and Veins
- Diagram of the circulatory system
- Outline diagram showing general plan and position of body-machinery
- A Tourniquet
- A longitudinal section of stomach, or peptic, glands
- Blood Corpuscles
- Diagram of artery, capillaries, and veins
- Surface veins and deep-lying arteries of inner side of right arm and hand
- The Nervous System
- The New Method of Artificial Breathing
- The Salivary Glands
- The food route in the digestive system
- Human skeleton and Body outline
- Section of the head and throat locating the organs of speech and song, including the upper resonators
- Figure shows the limit of full expiration and inspiration of the male, side view
- The diaphragm is in form like an inverted bowl
- Plan of the foetal circulation