- Man reading
- The Cow Fiend Jud Holland
- Snatched from death's jaws - Isaac Smith
- Otto Leuth
- Moses Allen's Prayer
- Old Man
- Letting his feet breathe
- Sleeping Beauty still asleep
- Man under a tree
- Man by fire with visions in his head
- A Descendant of the Prophet
- A Guardian of the Temple
- A Karnak Beggar
- A Bargain in the Ghezireh Gardens
- A Dealer in Antiquities
- The Sheik of the Pyramids
- The man who has ‘been there before
- Shopping
- Our Christmas Dinner, Esneh, December 23
- Salem Ghesiri Dragoman
- A walk in the Tuileries Gardens
- 1797
- 1806
- 1807
- 1802
- 1801
- 1797
- 1797
- The Perron of the Palais-Royal
- Men of the Middle and Higher Classes
- The Waiter
- The Huckster
- The Guest Registering
- The Guileless Hackman
- The Compiler at Work
- Satellites of the Tiger
- On the Water
- Harvey’s 'Wayside Inn"
- At the Stage Entrance
- A Petit Souper
- It’s P. E.!
- They looked very terrible, all painted with the lower half of the face black
- Man and Woman
- Drunk with bottle
- A warped University Oarsman, imperfectly developed in Muscles not used in Rowing
- A warped Professional Sculler, imperfectly developed in Muscles not used in Rowing
- 1806
- Banner
- A Spanish Flagellant
- Brother Brushes
- Brother Brushes
- Costers and Cockneys
- The finding of the infant St. George
- An Odd Volume
- Three girls and an old man
- Catching The Cougar
- Queues
- A Visitor
- Man drinking
- Man seated sideways on a chair