The Swamp Fight.jpg An Incident in the Camp of the NorthmenThumbnailsThe Settlers emigrating to ConnecticutAn Incident in the Camp of the NorthmenThumbnailsThe Settlers emigrating to ConnecticutAn Incident in the Camp of the NorthmenThumbnailsThe Settlers emigrating to ConnecticutAn Incident in the Camp of the NorthmenThumbnailsThe Settlers emigrating to ConnecticutAn Incident in the Camp of the NorthmenThumbnailsThe Settlers emigrating to Connecticut
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At length, however, Captain Mosely got within the fort, with a small band of men. Then commenced a terrible struggle, at fearful odds. While these were contending hand to hand with the Indians, the cry was heard, "They run! they run!" and immediately a considerable body of their fellow-soldiers rushed in. The slaughter of the foe became immense, as the assailants were insufficient in strength to drive them from the main breast-work. Captain Church, who was acting as aid to Winslow, at the head of a volunteer party, about this time dashed through the fort, and reached the swamp in the rear, where he poured a destructive fire on the rear of a party of the enemy. Thus attacked in different directions, the warriors were at length compelled to relinquish their ground, and flee into the wilderness.

Great Events in the History of North and South America
Charles A. Goodrich
Published in 1851
Available from gutenberg.org