Head of Nefertari-Aahmes.jpg Bust of Thothmes I, the first great Egyptian ConquerorThumbnailsGallery in the Great PyramidBust of Thothmes I, the first great Egyptian ConquerorThumbnailsGallery in the Great PyramidBust of Thothmes I, the first great Egyptian ConquerorThumbnailsGallery in the Great PyramidBust of Thothmes I, the first great Egyptian ConquerorThumbnailsGallery in the Great PyramidBust of Thothmes I, the first great Egyptian ConquerorThumbnailsGallery in the Great PyramidBust of Thothmes I, the first great Egyptian ConquerorThumbnailsGallery in the Great PyramidBust of Thothmes I, the first great Egyptian ConquerorThumbnailsGallery in the Great Pyramid
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Aahmes, in contracting his marriage with the Ethiopian princess, to whom he gave the name of Nefertari-Aahmes—or "the good companion of Aahmes"—was, we may be tolerably sure, bent on obtaining a contingent of those stalwart troops whose modern representatives are either the Blacks of the Soudan or the Gallas of the highlands of Abyssinia.

Ancient Egypt
By George Rawlinson
Published 1886
Available from gutenberg.org