- Ladies and Gentlemen
- It’s perfectly awful the way you continue to flirt with your old sweethearts
- In the Clouds
- I had a poet on one side and a millionaire on the other
- Household Decoration
- I don’t think married life is ever happy, anyway
- Her Dance
- Have you ever written any editorials
- Frederick enjoys the flower show in our village
- Everyman to his taste
- Famous Actor
- Even the fish have feelings
- Don’t you get awful tired of doin’ what you’re told
- Do you think you will be able to keep within your allowance this month
- Christmas Eve Visitors
- Do women propose
- Can you come to the jeweler’s with me to-morrow, dearest
- Botany in the Bowery
- Arthur says when he is at your house he acts just like one of the family
- Brother Brushes
- Brother Brushes
- Costers and Cockneys
- Costers and Cockneys
- Costers and Cockneys
- Costers and Cockneys
- Costers and Cockneys
- Costers and Cockneys
- Costers and Cockneys
- Costers and Cockneys