Home / Albums / Tag Place:London 282

- Fresh Oysters, penny a lot
- Buy my sweet Roses
- Ere's yer toys for girls an boys
- Fine Large Cucumbers
- Curds and Whey
- Ripe Cherries
- Tiddy Diddy Doll
- Large silver eels
- The Embarkation of Henry VIII. from Dover, 1520
- Coaches in the Reign of Elizabeth
- South-east Part of London in the Fifteenth Century, showing the Tower and Wall
- Shipping in the Thames, circa 1660
- Sir Francis Drake, in his Forty-third Year
- The Globe Theatre
- Civil Costume about 1620
- A Countryman and Countrywoman
- Costume of a Lawyer
- A Citizen and his wife
- A Gentleman and gentlewoman
- Paul Pindar's House
- Coach of the latter half of the Seventeenth Century
- Ordinary Dress of Gentlemen in 1675
- Waggon of the second half of the Seventeenth Century
- Dress of Ladies of Quality
- Ordinary Attire of Women of the Lower Classes
- Temple Bar, London
- A Coach of the Middle of the Seventeenth Century
- Early British Pottery
- Roman London
- Martyrdom of St. Edmund by the Danes
- Saxon Horsemen
- Saxon Church at Bradford-on-Avon, Wilts
- City Gates
- Remains of the Wall
- Part of the Roman Wall at Leicester
- Tower in the Earlier Style. Church at Earl's Barton
- A Norman Ship
- Building a Church in the later Style
- Costume of Shepherds in the Twelfth Century
- Lay Costumes in the Twelfth Century
- Ecclesiastical Costume in the Twelfth Century
- Royal Arms of England from Richard I. to Edward III
- Old London Bridge
- The Tower of London
- A Bed in the Reign of Henry III
- The Lepers Begging
- London before the Spire of St. Paul's was burned; showing the Bridge, Tower, Shipping, &c
- Old St. Paul's, from the East
- Old St. Paul's on Fire
- Christ's Hospital
- Chepe in the Fifteenth Century
- A Sea-Fight
- Bear-baiting
- Tomb of Edward III. in Westminster Abbey
- House in Stoke Newington in which Edgar Allan Poe Lived
- The Shooting-Gallery
- Toynbee Hall and St. Jude’s Church
- The New Whitechapel Art Gallery
- The East London Mission
- The New Model Dwellings