Home / Albums / Tag Century:15th 81
- 1490
- Portuguese Mappemonde. 1490
- Caravel , 15th Century
- Portrait of Columbus
- Master of the Year 1446. Christ Nailed to the Cross
- Master of the Playing Cards. Man of Sorrows
- Master of the Playing Cards. St. George
- South-east Part of London in the Fifteenth Century, showing the Tower and Wall
- Chepe in the Fifteenth Century
- The 'Great Harry', the First Big Battleship of the British Navy
- A Sea-fight in Tudor Times
- Fifteenth-century Ship
- Portuguese Voyages and Possessions
- The Printing of Books
- Anelaces
- Dr. Martin Luther
- Horse Litter
- Elynor Rummyng
- The “Dick Whittington,” Cloth Fair
- Mounted Crossbowman
- Crossbowmen
- Raffaelle
- Leonardo da Vinci's Glider and Parachute Idea
- Hunting Dresses.—XV. Century
- A Justing Toy
- Archery
- An Abbot
- First sight of land from Columbus' ship
- Rector and Doctor of the University of Paris
- Grand Initial
- Columbus watching for land
- Joan of Arc
- The Duke of Gloucester and the Earl of Warwick
- The Beverley Minstrels
- Royal Dinner of the time of Edward IV
- Pope, Cardinal, and Bishop
- Musical Instruments of the 15th Century
- Monumental Brass of Alderman Field and his Son, a.d. 1474
- Marchands en Gros, Fifteenth Century
- Man-at-Arms and Archer of the Fifteenth Century
- Knight of the Fifteenth Century
- How a mighty Duke fought Earl Richard for his Lady’s sake
- Bedesmen.
- A Mediæval Street and Town Hall
- A Dance in the Gallery
- Representation of a man extracting the jewel from a toad's head
- Ojeda's first voyage
- North America from the globe of Johann Schöner
- Amerigo Vespucci
- Routes of the discoverers
- Christopher Columbus
- Time-chart A.D. 800-A.D. 1500
- Europe at the Fall of Constantinople
- Oldest known image of Columbus
- Christopher Columbus
- The First Voyage of Columbus
- Judge
- Jeanne de Bourbon
- Italians of the 15th Century
- Italian Kitchen