- Flies breeding by the thermal pools
- Chiasognathus Grantii, under side
- Chiasognathus Grantii 2
- Chiasognathus Grantii, upper view
- Chiasognathus Grantii
- Bees in Clover
- Cockroach-hunting wasps
- Protozoa from the gut of the wood-feeding cockroach
- Relationship between a mature plant of Herpomyces stylopygae and the integument of Blatta orientalis
- Evania appendigaster
- Representative Protozoa associated with cockroaches
- The cockroach mite
- Flowers
- Bees on clover
- Common Cockroach
- A. Head of a typical Moth
- Stages of the Diamond-back Moth
- Spiderweb
- Agalenidæ
- Drassidæ
- Cockroach (Roach)
- Cicindela tuberculata - Larva
- Cicindela tuberculata
- Colymbetes rufimanus
- Pterostichus opulentus - Larva
- Pterostichus opulentus
- Colymbetes rufimanus - Larva
- Dorcus punctulatus
- Dryocora howittii - Larva
- Dryocora howittii
- Staphylinus oculatus
- Stethaspis suturalis
- Chætosoma scaritides
- Stethaspis suturalis - Larva
- Oral and digestive system of Deinacrida megacephala
- Body of an insect
- Insect Frame 4
- Butterfly and flower frame
- Butterfly frame
- Insect Frame 2
- Insect Frame 3
- Insect frame
- On the Watch
- Two birds watching a bug
- The Pursuit
- Gecko, chasing cockroaches
- Egg-capsule of P. orientalis
- Longitudinal section of Female Cockroach
- Cockroach
- Mouth appendages of cockroach
- Cockroach
- Cockroach
- Spirochæta gallinarum. After Hindle.
- Ornithodoros moubata
- Trypanosoma brucei
- Filaria in the muscles and labium of Culex
- Stomoxys calcitrans - adult, larva, puparium and details
- The house or typhoid fly (Musca domestica)
- Larva of a flesh fly (Sarcophaga) - Caudal aspect - Anterior stigmata. Pharyngeal skeleton
- Dermatophilus penetrans