- Go along there, she said, and then turn to the left and you will see the name, 'Avenue Gérard,' at the corner.
- Drawing by Charlotte Bronte
- The Horror of female department
- Old Lady
- Lady 2
- When you read do not bend over
- Four ladies with flowers in their hair
- Pan flute playing for lovers
- Lady Reading
- Lady picking berries
- Lady looking at sunset
- Sleeping Beauty still asleep
- 1789c
- 1790-92
- 1790-92
- 1785
- 1787
- 1788
- 1789
- 1789
- 1783
- 1784
- 1780
- 1781
- 1781b
- 1782
- 1776
- 1777
- 1778
- 1779
- 1765b
- 1770
- 1775
- 1760
- 1760b
- 1760c
- 1765
- 1745
- 1750
- 1750b
- 1755
- 1730 2
- 1730
- 1735
- 1740
- 1740B
- 1720
- 1725 2
- 1725
- 1710
- 1715 2
- 1715
- 1720 2
- 1695 2
- 1695
- 1700
- 1705 2
- 1705
- 1680
- 1685 2