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Principle of the parachute, drawing by Leonardo da Vinci

Principle of the parachute, drawing by Leonardo da Vinci.jpg Italian ChildThumbnailsPrinciple of the helicopter, drawing by Leonardo da VinciItalian ChildThumbnailsPrinciple of the helicopter, drawing by Leonardo da VinciItalian ChildThumbnailsPrinciple of the helicopter, drawing by Leonardo da VinciItalian ChildThumbnailsPrinciple of the helicopter, drawing by Leonardo da VinciItalian ChildThumbnailsPrinciple of the helicopter, drawing by Leonardo da Vinci
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If Leonardo da Vinci's aerial flight experiments do not seem to have been carried out on a large scale, it is perhaps not the same with the parachute, the use of which is much safer. The description of Leonardo da Vinci was reproduced later, not without a notable improvement in the mode of representation of the apparatus, in a collection of machines, due to Fauste Veranzio and published in Venice in 1617.

La Navigation Aérienne L'aviation Et La Direction Des Aérostats Dans Les Temps Anciens Et Modernes (Air Navigation Aviation And The Direction Of Aerostats In Ancient And Modern Time)
by Gaston Tissandier
Published in 1886
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