Home / Albums / Tag Hand weapons 76

- Japanese Model 89 Grenade Discharger
- Gun Maxim, ·303 Inch - Side elevation
- Gun Maxim, ·303 Inch - plan, with cover removed
- Mounting Tripod ·303 Inch, Maxim Gun Mark
- 8-mm medium machine gun
- Service Revolver and Pistols
- Weapons
- Musketeer wearing a bandolier
- A seventeenth century musketeer
- Walther pistol
- Sketch of Eierhandgranate 39 (egg-type hand grenade, model 39)
- Method of removing receiver of M.P. 40 from barrel and from magazine hosing
- 50
- 40
- 48
- 33
- Positions for the use of the sword
- The Cut of the Cavalry
- The Head guarded against any cut
- The Cut and Thrust in Quarte
- Quarte
- On guard
- Front View of the Guards
- Near Side protect and Giving Point
- The Situation of the Cavalry man on the near side
- The Cavalry man making point to the right
- The Bayonet Exercise
- Allonge
- M249 Machine Gun
- M249 Machine Gun exploded view
- M249 5.56 mm Machine Gun
- Gallo-Roman Sword and Horn
- Gallo-Roman Weapons
- A Matchlock and a Firelock, or Fusil (17th Century)
- Arbalest
- Arbalester
- Anelaces
- Mounted Crossbowman, with Cranequin crossbow, and a quarrel in his hat
- Crossbowmen killing Deer and Wild Boars
- Mounted Crossbowman
- Archer and Crossbowman of about 1370
- Shooting rabbits with the crossbow
- Crossbowmen
- A store of crossbow bolts, shafts and heads
- Crossbowman approaching game
- How a crossbowman should approach animals
- Crossbowmen
- A ship of war, wth crossbowmen
- Crossbowmen
- Crossbowmen
- Hunters with crossbows
- Norman Crossbowmen
- Hunters with crossbows
- Phrygian helmets, bow, bipennis, quiver, tunic, axe and javelin
- Low Parry
- Swing
- Left Handed use
- Lunge
- Guard
- Thrust